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    Did I Need More Washi? | Journaling Supplies Newness

Did I Need More Washi? | Journaling Supplies Newness

Did I need more washi? Well, no. But I do love to refresh my collection every few months. Sometimes to replace my favourites and most used; other times I spot a bunch of pretty sets that I want to get my hands on.

This time I did a large restock; washi sets, a horde of stickers and some notebooks. I’m in the process of resetting my projects and starting some new, so it’s the perfect time for fresh supplies to match the vibes I want to create.

I was so happy when I found these washi sets while browsing Amazon, they’re different to things I’ve had before. I love using washi to establish a vibe in the notebook I’m using and having prints that are more niche will help me hit closer to the mark.

Look out for set break downs coming soon. These sets have levelled up my collection and are too pretty to keep to myself. Whether you are looking for floral, witchy, cutesy or something a bit wacky, I’ve found something that might tickle your fancy.

I utilise stickers in the same way; either for imagery or, with quotes, to lean into the theme. There are a lot of stickers here (1600 tbh! 🤭) but they will all find a home. I found some unusual and unique sticker packs and repurchased a few favourites. I’m looking forward to going through and sharing them with you and bringing you along to show you how I use them.

Of course, I’m a sucker for notebooks. I went to Asda because they stock these A5 lined hardbacks that I’ve loved for years. I had wondered why they had gone up in price, but it turns out they are now leather-bound. Dark Academia vibes, I’m loving it. While I was there these beautiful patterns caught my eye. I love bumble bee motifs and the elephants were just so unusual. I’m debating what I’ll use them for as I have a long list of projects. Rest assured they won’t be gathering dust.

Now I’m satisfied with my selection for the moment. I probably won’t pick up many more stickers this year, but there’s always the chance for more washi tape. I go through those tapes at a reasonable rate so it’s justifiable 🤣

Where is your favourite place to buy washi tape?

